The Velo-Plus is an easy to use wheelchair transporter which enables wheelchair users to enjoy the sensation of cycling.
The Velo-Plus cycle is designed for riders who need to remain seated in their own wheelchair when cycling. It is a very sociable way for two people to cycle together.
The Velo-Plus features a unique loading platform for easy access for the wheelchair. It is available in both fixed frame and folding frame versions. The cycle is supplied with an 8 Speed geared hub and a power assist unit can be added for easier pedalling in hillier terrain.
The loading ramp features a unique tilting feature which means the wheelchair can be reversed onto the platform without the use of additional ramps. The wheelchair is secured into place using motor transport clamping systems and an inertia seat-belt. This is a very popular cycle in cycling projects and special schools because of its ease of use with many different wheelchair user passengers.
Wheelchairs up to a maximum width of 74cm can be transported safely on the cycle. It is fitted with hydraulic disc brakes with a parking feature, wheelchair lock, cycle lock and has a 5 year guarantee on the frame.
Assessment before purchase is recommended.